Sunday, December 25, 2011

Beginners Golf Tips From A Beginner

If you are reading this article, I assume that you are a beginning golfer and are looking for tips in order to approach the game and really enjoy the experience. Well I applaud the fact that you are choosing this direction because so many people begin playing the game and experience a high degree of frustration. In this article I, a perpetual beginning golfer, will share some important perspectives for you to think about as you approach the game. Some will strike a cord and some will not, just take it for what it's worth and hopefully you will gain the knowledge to help enjoy the game as you increase your skill.

LESSONS When I first started playing the game my wife provided lessons for me along with a set of beginner clubs. This was very helpful on one hand, but ended up being a waste on the other hand. Why? Not because she did anything wrong, she did everything right. What happened was that I took the lessons, didn't practice outside of the lessons, and was too intimidated to venture onto a real golf course. At the time I didn't have any friends that played golf and therefore there was no one to help me with the etiquette (do's and don'ts of golf) and I didn't want to make a fool of myself. In terms of lessons, I got the most out of lessons by applying a combination of elements; One - read a few books, looked at a few videos, began to understand the lingo, and tried swings on my own. At this time I had been playing for a few years so I had also gained lots of experience on the golf course itself. In the end, when I took the lesson, I understood much better what he was trying to convey and with practice on and off the course, I was able to apply it and see a real difference in my game.

EQUIPMENT I started out with beginner clubs in my bag and played with these clubs for some time. For a beginner I think this is fine because typically you haven't acquired enough skill and knowledge to make detailed club selections like the pros. I would suggest starting out with some beginner clubs and over time add to the set as you find you need the additional selection. Don't spend a ton of money on your newly added clubs, just go to the local second hand store or discount chain and buy something from the bargain bin. At this point your swing has more effect on the game than your clubs, so save your money for now. As your game improves, you might upgrade your driver and 3 wood first. This is because of the ego boost it gives you while you're playing. You get to hit the ball off the tee and potentially enjoy the thrill along with your friends. Eventually get yourself another set, but remember, you're not a pro so second hand is fine unless spending the money is not a problem for you.


All of my friends have seen the golf channel, read books and magazines and been advised by other friends. When you play golf on the course, you will be will a group of friends or a group of strangers that the course paired you up with. Either way, because your skill level will be very obvious as you slice, miss the ball, pick the wrong club, your companions will not be able inevitably provide you with more advice than you can absorb. Handling this is a case by case situation. Advice on etiquette is valuable because you now learn how to proceed with confidence on the course. Advice about technique should be listened to and taken based on the skill of the person giving and the length of time they're taking to give it, you can't turn a golf round into a lesson (unless that's the purpose). Try to listen politely but try to stay consistent, especially if you've been taking lessons and are trying to reinforce newly learned techniques. Sometimes you have to pretend to do what the friend says to get them to leave you alone so that you can get back to what you really want to do. Follow your own judgment and have fun along the way.


The golf swing has a very unnatural feel to it and therefore must be practiced in order to allow it to begin to feel natural. As you learn more aspects of the swing, practice is important to create muscle memory around the swing. The challenge with practice is that as a beginner it is very likely you will practice incorrectly and actually reinforce the wrong movements. Because of this danger, I think it's very important to take lessons and practice the swing in small steps versus trying to master the entire swing at once. Also training aids can help with this if you get the right ones. They provide feedback that helps you to know you are swinging or practicing correctly. Video is also very useful if you are a technology kind of person. I have done this before and found it very useful. By reviewing the video I learned that I was doing some pretty ugly things that I corrected early before reinforcing it.


Not a lot say here, I just learned over time that although I enjoy the game of golf and the challenge of figuring the game out from a technique and strategy standpoint, I have found over time that I love the setting of the game and the social aspect. The setting is usually absolutely beautiful because your out in nature among trees, manicured lawns, and hopefully blue skies. As a beginner, I would literally make sure I had snakes and pops (or beer if allowed) with me as I played. This made the game into a picnic because my ball was all over the place at that time. The social side is obvious. Being with friends or meeting new friends. Remember its more than just hitting a ball around.


Golf can become very expensive because of the lessons, equipment and greens feeds at the course. For this reason, as a beginner you must not let it get out of hand otherwise you'll find yourself spending lots of money for not a lot of enjoyment. And spending the money can actually diminish the enjoyment you could have had. Try not to buy expensive equipment as a beginner. Try to avoid high dollar courses as a beginner. This may require passing on invitations from more experienced or more affluent friends. Try to avoid playing many times per week or limit it to 9 holes. Use the driving range to practice, not the golf course. Don't be afraid to pass on golf outings that usually double the price of playing unless the purpose of the outing has meaning for you personally.


Keep your priorities in line. Don't rob your family of your valuable time playing golf. In my personal experience, golf became a bad word around the house and looking back on it; I made some bad priority calls. Make sure your family always feels valued above your golf game and try to play during times when it doesn't conflict with family time.

Al Stephens writes on beginning golf tips and advice. You can learn more by visiting my blog, Beginner Golf Tips.

Golf Swing Book Review

Use these Tips to Maximize your Game

Players around the globe are constantly trying to improve their overall golf score.  Out of millions of players out their worldwide, only a small percent are able to break the score of 80.  So, what makes these golfers so different and good at what they do?  Well, they focus on their swing because it is the most important area a golfer wants to focus on, especially if they want their score to be good.  There is so many promises out there by lessons and programs on how to improve your golf score, but there is one clear leader available online, The Golf Swing Book.  It is one of the top rated eBooks currently available online.

1000s of golfers worldwide have tested this eBook program.  It promises to improve your golf score within just 2 short weeks.  A lot of programs out there require months and months of practice and are expensive to purchase or participate in.  What really appeals to every player out there is the promise of an improved game within just 2 weeks.  Let me warn you, do not think it is just going to happen without putting any time and practice into the techniques.  If you think you can just grab a golf club and use these techniques without practicing, then this eBook is not for you.

The long game, the short game or the putting game are the three primary areas in which a golfer may be experiencing problems.  Most might have one troublesome area, while others might experience problems within each of the areas.  Regardless of what areas you are having problems with, the common denominator is a golfer's swing.  So, when a golfer can improve their score in any of these areas, their overall golf game will improve.

The Golf Swing Book provides info that will help you improve your back swing, set up a correct swing plane, improve your balance, improve your swing timing and help you with accurate ball placement.  30 years of experience is what the Full Swing technique outlined within this eBook is backed by.  Learn from an expert who has already gone through the mistakes on their own, so that you do not have to learn through your own trial and error.  Improve the score of your game within just 2 short weeks by following the advice that is outlined within this eBook.  Most golfers, including you, would agree that 2 weeks is a relatively short investment of time when the outcome is a decreased golf game score.

It is considered a sign of wisdom when learning from others.  Players who really want to improve their golf game should follow the footsteps of experts.  While one can enjoy golf regardless of what the score is, it is certainly more fun for people when they have competitive golf scores.  So, take the initiative and learn proven techniques that will help you improve your swing, which is considered to be the most important area to focus your attention on.

If you want to learn more about how to improve your golf swing or your overall score? Check out: to learn now!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Golf Tips - Finding Online Golf Tips

Did you notice, in today's abundance of info and techno-everything, that there are golf lessons,golf tips, and how-to books on techniques everyplace. I think the most common, however, is the free online information. Online golf tips may be very helpful, particularly for golfing newbies. It's essential for you to learn how to locate the best golf tips and how to analyze them before buying every golf video you come across online.

You might be able to learn alot from online golf sites. To begin,log on to your favorite search engine. When you are there, think in specifics about what you want to learn about golf. If you just search "golf tips," you 'll find too many sites, making it hard to sort them out. Instead, try looking for the specific type of golf information you want. Once you find what you want,

look at a couple of the sites to be certain they are helpful and what you want to learn about.

You should, however, be a bit wary of the information you are reading.

It's been a saying that you get what you pay for. If that is your thought process, then you should be guarded about online golf information. Fact is, there is a lot of good golf info on the web, however you need to be certain you're reading the correct information. Be diligent and look at who the site sponsors are. Another thing you can do is to

check who the site author is and learn if they are an expert on golf.

Online golf tips may be a great boon for golfing newbies. You can locate a lot of the instruction you want to improve your golf game without spending a fortune on private golf lessons. Search online to locate the site you want, and take the time review it so you can make use of the best online golf tips.

For more information about how to golf tips, try visiting - a popular golf tips site that features information about putt practice, the best golf clubs, golf training aids, and more. Also sign up for a free golf tips newsletter.

Golf Tip - The Right Driver Hits The Ball

Use different golf clubs. Each club was designed for a different purpose. Learn the purpose of each club. Do not hesitate to get a golf tip or two from the sales person that sells you the golf clubs. Practice until you become very familiar with how each club swings for its design.

There is much scientific research, testing, and new technology which is being used in designing modern golf clubs. The old type golf clubs which you may have inherited from your grandparents have improved significantly.

You may not believe me, but you can ask the professional golfers and get information and real stories of how well the newer golf clubs function and how these clubs have helped improve their handicap.

The newer clubs today can help golfers to drive longer distances than has ever been accomplished i the game of golf. Upgrading your golf clubs is a great golf tip.

As you pull your driver out of the bag you can feel confident that your stroke at the tee will be your best.

A proper golf club will do wonders; however, your golf swing technique is the driving force behind the golf ball.

Have a good balance stance
Be mentally prepared and disciplined to focus
Visualize your perfect golf swing

Your drive starts from the time you pick up your club and start to play the game. The club in your hand is the announcement of your practice becoming a reality. This is not the time to become nervous, have sweaty palm, and become anxious and tense throughout your body.

Let your body muscles relax. Allow your brain to mentally focus your shot from the beginning to the completion of the drive. This is easily said, however, it takes each person time to understand body relaxation and mental discipline.

The golf swing will occur very fast. There is no time to analyze, question, or to lose your focus for those few seconds. Analyzing and questioning are done during practice drills. Focusing techniques are rehearsed while practicing and executed with discipline during the golf stroke.

Play and have fun during the game. Keep yourself updated with golf lessons, practice drills, and upgraded golfing equipment. Your game will improve.

Upgrade your golfing knowledge and learn a golf tip or two today. Visit the sports section of Tricia Deed at and review Drive For Show.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Instant Golf Slice Cure Review

Bad habits are sometimes hard to break, especially when you pick up a nasty habit like slicing the ball in golf.  Many players work hard to correct a bad swing habit, and while some fix the issue, others are not so lucky.  In reality, most players that go without training will have little success in breaking their habits on their own.  The good news is that you can stop throwing your clubs after a bad hit or slice.  In fact, you can correct your issue in no time at all with The Instant Golf Slice Cure.

You will be provided with 4 easy steps, which will improve your slice.  You will be trained to develop consistent shots, how to build overall game confidence, how to decrease your strokes quickly and easily, how to keep drives in the short grass, how to pinpoint the reason for your slice and how to have more fun playing the game. You can't find these awesome ideas online anywhere and this information is not cheap, it's excellent quality. Slices occur due to specific issues, this is why The Instant Golf Slice Cure was developed and tested by golfers with strong technical ability.  You can apply these tips into your game in just one practice session, because they are user friendly and easy to learn.

With this system look to accomplish improvement in four areas:

o Confidence: Confidence is probably one the largest factors a player will face throughout the course of the game.  Common player mistakes are often made by players who lack confidence, which stop them from achieving the scores they desire.  Consistency with shots, accuracy in their shot placement and strong game scores are all signs that a golfer is playing with good confidence.

o Distance: Any serious golfer out there aims to drive the ball further from the tee.  The Instant Golf Slice Cure will teach you how to increase the distance that the ball travels when you hit it.

o Accuracy: Another skill that every player strives to master is accuracy. Being able to hit the ball exactly where you want it, every time you play, is every golfers dream.  The Instant Golf Slice Cure program will provide you with the tools to develop these skills.

o Scoring: The big picture in golf is your total score.  Nobody can argue that even though it is fun and relaxing for most players, regardless of the score, the game is certainly more entertaining with a more competitive score.  This program provides easy to follow tips that will shave points off your overall score immediately.

You can go and take expensive courses or even hire golf pros to improve your scores, but there are more affordable options that accomplish the same results.  The Instant Golf Slice Cure program will help you, and many golfers, improve their slices, dramatically improving their scores at a fraction of the cost of lessons.

Discover the fastest and easiest way to stop slicing the golf ball and take strokes off your game with this easy step by step program:

7 Free Golf Tips for Long Term Success

7 Free Golf Tips to help you play better.

First and foremost, if you are going to be able to apply free golf tips to your golf game, you should take the time to review your swing following each shot.

Observe where the ball went and question what you did to produce the outcome.

There are some great free golf tips available but, instruction and practice is sure to assist you in sharpening your game.

You can also obtain help from various books and videos that are on the market.

Another good source for information is professional golfers who know more about the subject. Be wary of getting advice from individuals you are teamed up with and your golf partners.

There are always going to be those willing to offer you advice, but bad advice is usually worse than no advice at all.

Here are 7 free golf tips that I have used over the years that have helped me get my golf game on track.

If the ball has ended up going somewhere other than where you intended, check your alignment and determine whether or not your final stance was correct.
Reviewing key points like your stance will provide great insight as to why your shot ended up going astray.
You can look on the ground and observe the path of your divot.
Look at the location of your feet right after the shot.
Did your feet move during your swing? Maybe your shoes are an issue. Take a look at the spikes and see if they are worn. Replace them if needed.
Look at the final position of your golf club.
Examine the way you are gripping your club. Are you choking the club? Is the club turning in your hands through impact?

Don't over scrutinize yourself during the course of your round, but by making minor improvements when you notice something in need of an adjustment, you can produce positive results by the close of your round.

By constantly chipping away at all aspects of your game you can produce noticeable improvements that can take your handicap to the next level. This is one of the reasons why practice is of such great importance.

Practice that should be considered as most critical should be in the areas you consider your biggest weaknesses.

While it might be fun to head to the driving range and smack the ball as far as possible, you will more than likely get better results from practicing to sharpen your chipping game or improving your distance control on the putting greens.

For more great golf tips checkout this Amazing FREE Report that Reveals How to Shave 5 to 7 strokes off Your game the next time you play.

David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Golf Tips - Give Yourself A Reality Check

No matter what level of golfer we are, we often think we are doing one thing, when in fact we are doing something different.The best way to check we haven't slipped into any bad habits is to give ourselves a regular reality check. You need a partner or a video camera with a tripod to do follow this simple golf tip and get a quick reality check.

We've found that the little 'Flip' video cameras are great. They are good value and they plug straight into a PC and play immediately - no downloading or editing / converting - just plug and play...

Start by hitting some putts, making sure your stroke is as normal as possible. You need to be checking what you're doing on the golf course so don't for example try a different grip! Take video shots from the front, side, behind and even behind the hole (being careful not to hit the camera!). Move onto hitting some full shots as well, but be careful your partner is at a nice safe distance and clearly don't film any shots from in front of you!

When you replay and review the video footage look out for the following as a minimum:

Your alignment - in particular the shoulders, but also pay attention to your feet.
The ball position - is it in the right place?
Your stance - with putting your head should be over the ball.
Your balance - particularly on the full swing. Are you moving onto the left side correctly?

The really good thing about this simple check is that you get instant feedback. Unless every time you practice you have a golf coach with you but if you can't get the feedback that you need this is a great way of substituting an expensive coach.


The camera never lies!

As a PGA Advanced Golf professional I use my video camera a lot. Many of my students simply don't always believe what I am telling them until I show them on a video camera what they are doing. This includes very good golfers with single figure handicaps. Even golf professionals benefit from the occasional reality check including me. I recommend you run a reality check around once a month with a friend.

The sooner you spot an issue with your golf the easier it is to fix it, and the longer you leave it the harder it is to fix it.

You'll find many more feedback drills on our golf putting lessons to make sure you're on the right track with your putting. Feedback is vital in all aspects of golf - make sure you are getting as much feedback as you can.

Discover The Fastest Way To Slash Your Golf Scores And Win More Matches.
Go to and claim your FREE videos Now!
Or visit our blog at for many more FREE Golf Tips.