Sunday, December 25, 2011

Beginners Golf Tips From A Beginner

If you are reading this article, I assume that you are a beginning golfer and are looking for tips in order to approach the game and really enjoy the experience. Well I applaud the fact that you are choosing this direction because so many people begin playing the game and experience a high degree of frustration. In this article I, a perpetual beginning golfer, will share some important perspectives for you to think about as you approach the game. Some will strike a cord and some will not, just take it for what it's worth and hopefully you will gain the knowledge to help enjoy the game as you increase your skill.

LESSONS When I first started playing the game my wife provided lessons for me along with a set of beginner clubs. This was very helpful on one hand, but ended up being a waste on the other hand. Why? Not because she did anything wrong, she did everything right. What happened was that I took the lessons, didn't practice outside of the lessons, and was too intimidated to venture onto a real golf course. At the time I didn't have any friends that played golf and therefore there was no one to help me with the etiquette (do's and don'ts of golf) and I didn't want to make a fool of myself. In terms of lessons, I got the most out of lessons by applying a combination of elements; One - read a few books, looked at a few videos, began to understand the lingo, and tried swings on my own. At this time I had been playing for a few years so I had also gained lots of experience on the golf course itself. In the end, when I took the lesson, I understood much better what he was trying to convey and with practice on and off the course, I was able to apply it and see a real difference in my game.

EQUIPMENT I started out with beginner clubs in my bag and played with these clubs for some time. For a beginner I think this is fine because typically you haven't acquired enough skill and knowledge to make detailed club selections like the pros. I would suggest starting out with some beginner clubs and over time add to the set as you find you need the additional selection. Don't spend a ton of money on your newly added clubs, just go to the local second hand store or discount chain and buy something from the bargain bin. At this point your swing has more effect on the game than your clubs, so save your money for now. As your game improves, you might upgrade your driver and 3 wood first. This is because of the ego boost it gives you while you're playing. You get to hit the ball off the tee and potentially enjoy the thrill along with your friends. Eventually get yourself another set, but remember, you're not a pro so second hand is fine unless spending the money is not a problem for you.


All of my friends have seen the golf channel, read books and magazines and been advised by other friends. When you play golf on the course, you will be will a group of friends or a group of strangers that the course paired you up with. Either way, because your skill level will be very obvious as you slice, miss the ball, pick the wrong club, your companions will not be able inevitably provide you with more advice than you can absorb. Handling this is a case by case situation. Advice on etiquette is valuable because you now learn how to proceed with confidence on the course. Advice about technique should be listened to and taken based on the skill of the person giving and the length of time they're taking to give it, you can't turn a golf round into a lesson (unless that's the purpose). Try to listen politely but try to stay consistent, especially if you've been taking lessons and are trying to reinforce newly learned techniques. Sometimes you have to pretend to do what the friend says to get them to leave you alone so that you can get back to what you really want to do. Follow your own judgment and have fun along the way.


The golf swing has a very unnatural feel to it and therefore must be practiced in order to allow it to begin to feel natural. As you learn more aspects of the swing, practice is important to create muscle memory around the swing. The challenge with practice is that as a beginner it is very likely you will practice incorrectly and actually reinforce the wrong movements. Because of this danger, I think it's very important to take lessons and practice the swing in small steps versus trying to master the entire swing at once. Also training aids can help with this if you get the right ones. They provide feedback that helps you to know you are swinging or practicing correctly. Video is also very useful if you are a technology kind of person. I have done this before and found it very useful. By reviewing the video I learned that I was doing some pretty ugly things that I corrected early before reinforcing it.


Not a lot say here, I just learned over time that although I enjoy the game of golf and the challenge of figuring the game out from a technique and strategy standpoint, I have found over time that I love the setting of the game and the social aspect. The setting is usually absolutely beautiful because your out in nature among trees, manicured lawns, and hopefully blue skies. As a beginner, I would literally make sure I had snakes and pops (or beer if allowed) with me as I played. This made the game into a picnic because my ball was all over the place at that time. The social side is obvious. Being with friends or meeting new friends. Remember its more than just hitting a ball around.


Golf can become very expensive because of the lessons, equipment and greens feeds at the course. For this reason, as a beginner you must not let it get out of hand otherwise you'll find yourself spending lots of money for not a lot of enjoyment. And spending the money can actually diminish the enjoyment you could have had. Try not to buy expensive equipment as a beginner. Try to avoid high dollar courses as a beginner. This may require passing on invitations from more experienced or more affluent friends. Try to avoid playing many times per week or limit it to 9 holes. Use the driving range to practice, not the golf course. Don't be afraid to pass on golf outings that usually double the price of playing unless the purpose of the outing has meaning for you personally.


Keep your priorities in line. Don't rob your family of your valuable time playing golf. In my personal experience, golf became a bad word around the house and looking back on it; I made some bad priority calls. Make sure your family always feels valued above your golf game and try to play during times when it doesn't conflict with family time.

Al Stephens writes on beginning golf tips and advice. You can learn more by visiting my blog, Beginner Golf Tips.

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