Monday, December 12, 2011

7 Free Golf Tips - Improve Your Chipping

There are many times when we are find ourselves facing a shot from off of the green. In these cases we are staring at a chip shot in order to save par. Having the ability to work the golf ball around the greens could make a big difference within your round of golf.
Being successful chipping the ball starts with selecting the best club. There aren't any strict rules that determine which golf club works for a certain scenario when chipping. Still you will have to pinpoint the best golf club by examining the surrounding area and just how far away you will need the golf ball to travel.
You should set a goal to chip the ball close enough to the hole to know that you will make the putt. This may not happen every time, but having a positive mental picture of a successful chip shot will reduce the mistakes you make.
Let's go over the 7 Free Golf Tips to improve your chipping
Chipping the ball correctly is not as difficult as golfers may think. It will require some practice to improve your techniques, but nothing that can't be accomplished in a short time.
The following golf tips will help you understand the concepts behind proper chipping:
1. Review the green to determine the best spot to land the ball. This will vary depending on how far you are from the hole.
2. With your club in hand, address the ball along the target line.
3. Place the majority of your weight on your front foot. Use a somewhat open stance toward your target (not the hole).
4. Visualize your club making solid impact with the ball and landing on the spot you chose during your initial review.
5. Keep your wrists firm and draw the club back similar to the way you would if you were putting. This should come from your shoulders while your lower body remains stationary.
6. Swing your club back along the target line traveling down and through the golf ball.
7. Be sure to keep your form throughout the entire swing. Your wrists should remain fixed and not break at any time.
Practice these free golf tips until you developed a repetitive routine. Once you have gotten comfortable with this technique it will become a natural part of your game and you will no longer think about it on the golf course.

Get more simple free golf tips from this FREE Report that Reveals How to Shave 5 to 7 strokes off Your game the next time you play.
David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

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