Thursday, December 15, 2011

Free Golf Tips to Eliminate Miss Hits When Hitting Pitch Shots

Are you one that has problems with hitting pitch shots? Have you ever wondered what causes you to miss hit when pitching a golf ball? There are two types of miss hit shots; either you top the ball or you hit a skull shot.

There is nothing more frustrating to be a pitch and a putt away from par only to miss hit the ball and end up with bogey or worse. Don't feel that you are alone this is one of the more common problems that weekend golfer contend with.

Let's go over why these shots happen and free golf tips to eliminate the miss hits when hitting pitch shots.

First, let's review how you setup for pitch shots. Start with the golf ball in the center of your stance or just a bit back of center. With this shot your weight should be more on your front foot. This will cause the handle of your golf club to end up forward of the golf ball.

One of the biggest mistakes that amateur golfers make is that when they start their backswing, their body shifts back. When this happens you shift your body weight and that means that the majority of your weight is no longer on your front foot. This shift makes it more difficult to get the club under the ball.

This one mistake is the primary reason that golfers end up topping or skulling the ball around the green.

Another mistake that many amateur golfers make is believing that in order to hit a good pitch shot, they need to have a complete follow thru.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In order to stop miss hitting the ball when playing a pitch shot you need to make some minor adjustments.

Again, the golf ball should be in the center of your stance or just back of center. The handle of your golf club will be to the left of the ball. The majority of your weight is on your left side. Your swing should be mostly with the arms.

There is no shifting of body weight or rotation of the upper body for this shot.

For those golfers that hit fats shots is caused by too much backswing. The swing should be abbreviated with no wrist action. The wrists should remain firm similar to putting. Don't try to help the ball up in the air. Proper contact with the ball is all that is needed.

When you get set up make sure you're not leaning too far over on the left side. You want to have about 60 to 70 percent of your weight on your left side. The key here is to swing the golf club up on the inside. This will give the golf club a little better angle into the back of the ball.

Try these free golf tips the next time you're out. I promise you that will help.

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David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

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