Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 Free Golf Tips to Improve Your Chip Shots

There are many different situations that can come into play when you are just off the green. Knowing how to approach those chips will give you the ability to get it close to the hole when you need it most. In this article we will discuss 7 free golf tips to improve your chip shots.

Choosing the Right Club

Having the right club in your hands is where it all begins. There isn't a specific rule of thumb for this. It really comes down to feel and experience. It is important to review your situation. Take time to understand the lay of the land before choosing your club.

When playing a longer chip shot an 8-iron or 9-iron are good choices. Because they are less lofted than your wedges, you will be able to get the ball on the green and allow it to run like a putt to the hole.

If you are faced with a short chip shot then your best bet is to use a wedge. In this case you are looking to land the ball on the green with a minimum amount of roll.

Chipping with Positive Results

Before we cover the 7 free golf tips, let us discuss the importance of preparing yourself for positive results.

This is not only important for your chip shots; it is a habit that you need to incorporate into every part of your game. You need to visualize what you want to accomplish with each shot you take.

Set a goal to have your chip shots to stop within about 3 feet of the hole. This is a distance that you should be able to make most of the time. The results may not always end up the way you anticipated, but when you prepare yourself mentally you increase your chances of chipping the ball correctly.

The 7 Free Golf Tips to Improve Your Chip Shots

Chipping the ball is not as hard as it may seem, but it will take some practice in order to develop an effective technique.

The following tips cover the basics for developing your technique and improving your chip shots.

1. Take a look at the green from all sides and select the best spot to land the ball. Don't try to pick an exact spot, but rather a small circle.

2. Based on the distance and contour of the green, choose the proper club for your shot and address the ball.

3. The majority of your weight will be on your front foot, about 65 to 70 percent. You want to open your stance slightly toward the point where you want to land the ball.

4. While preparing to take your shot visualize your club making solid impact with the ball and see the ball land inside the circle you have selected for your landing zone.

5. With these shots, you want to keep your wrists still, not allowing them to break. You are looking to take more of a putting type of stroke. Your lower body remains quiet and your swing is more arms and shoulders.

6. As you swing through the ball, be sure to continue all the way through, not stopping the club when you make contact with the ball. Your follow thru should be a reflection of your backswing.

7. Keep your head down through the entire swing. Resist the urge to watch the ball until you have completed your swing. This is important with all shots, but there is a tendency to do this with chips shots and putts, so make sure you see the club go through the hitting area before looking up.

If you take some time to practice these 7 free golf tips to improve your chips shots, you will see immediate results.

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David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

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