Monday, December 19, 2011

The Golf Beginner Guide (Review)

The Golf Beginner Guide is a book that can be used by beginners and experienced golfers alike. Sure, the book was written for beginners, but as a Golf Pro, I was pleasantly surprised by how much even an experienced player like myself can take away from this book.  The amount of content it (over 240 pages) is unbelievable.  I'll have to admit that the mere amount of pages scared me at first, but the straightforward approach the author took when writing this book made it easy to read, follow, and digest.

The Golf Beginner Guide: What Were the Results?

Unlike the other golf ebooks I have reviewed, this book covers everything there is to know about golf.  It will teach you the basics of driving, chipping, and putting down to the finest detail.  If you don't have a good swing, this book covers it.  If you lack any kind of foundation in your game, this book will provide you with a sturdy one.  If you already have a solid foundation in your game like me, this book will reinforce it.

This book offers beneficial tips in all facets of the game.  I really liked the strategy the Golf Beginner Guide covers for its reader.  Not only will it tell you how to hit certain shots, it will tell you how to approach them, both mentally and physically.  Golf isn't all about hitting it far and straight, being successful also has a lot to do with knowing when to hit which club, when to have a full swing, when to use a half swing...etc.   The Golf Beginner Guide's index is great and well organized as you will be able to skim back through the book very easily if you are looking to revisit a specific lesson/or topic.  This is how I used it for the most part, rather than use it as a book, you can use it as a too/or guide and constantly refer back to it.

To find out more about the Golf Beginner Guide: Click Here

Best of luck,

Nick Boynton ( [] )

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