Sunday, December 25, 2011

Beginners Golf Tips From A Beginner

If you are reading this article, I assume that you are a beginning golfer and are looking for tips in order to approach the game and really enjoy the experience. Well I applaud the fact that you are choosing this direction because so many people begin playing the game and experience a high degree of frustration. In this article I, a perpetual beginning golfer, will share some important perspectives for you to think about as you approach the game. Some will strike a cord and some will not, just take it for what it's worth and hopefully you will gain the knowledge to help enjoy the game as you increase your skill.

LESSONS When I first started playing the game my wife provided lessons for me along with a set of beginner clubs. This was very helpful on one hand, but ended up being a waste on the other hand. Why? Not because she did anything wrong, she did everything right. What happened was that I took the lessons, didn't practice outside of the lessons, and was too intimidated to venture onto a real golf course. At the time I didn't have any friends that played golf and therefore there was no one to help me with the etiquette (do's and don'ts of golf) and I didn't want to make a fool of myself. In terms of lessons, I got the most out of lessons by applying a combination of elements; One - read a few books, looked at a few videos, began to understand the lingo, and tried swings on my own. At this time I had been playing for a few years so I had also gained lots of experience on the golf course itself. In the end, when I took the lesson, I understood much better what he was trying to convey and with practice on and off the course, I was able to apply it and see a real difference in my game.

EQUIPMENT I started out with beginner clubs in my bag and played with these clubs for some time. For a beginner I think this is fine because typically you haven't acquired enough skill and knowledge to make detailed club selections like the pros. I would suggest starting out with some beginner clubs and over time add to the set as you find you need the additional selection. Don't spend a ton of money on your newly added clubs, just go to the local second hand store or discount chain and buy something from the bargain bin. At this point your swing has more effect on the game than your clubs, so save your money for now. As your game improves, you might upgrade your driver and 3 wood first. This is because of the ego boost it gives you while you're playing. You get to hit the ball off the tee and potentially enjoy the thrill along with your friends. Eventually get yourself another set, but remember, you're not a pro so second hand is fine unless spending the money is not a problem for you.


All of my friends have seen the golf channel, read books and magazines and been advised by other friends. When you play golf on the course, you will be will a group of friends or a group of strangers that the course paired you up with. Either way, because your skill level will be very obvious as you slice, miss the ball, pick the wrong club, your companions will not be able inevitably provide you with more advice than you can absorb. Handling this is a case by case situation. Advice on etiquette is valuable because you now learn how to proceed with confidence on the course. Advice about technique should be listened to and taken based on the skill of the person giving and the length of time they're taking to give it, you can't turn a golf round into a lesson (unless that's the purpose). Try to listen politely but try to stay consistent, especially if you've been taking lessons and are trying to reinforce newly learned techniques. Sometimes you have to pretend to do what the friend says to get them to leave you alone so that you can get back to what you really want to do. Follow your own judgment and have fun along the way.


The golf swing has a very unnatural feel to it and therefore must be practiced in order to allow it to begin to feel natural. As you learn more aspects of the swing, practice is important to create muscle memory around the swing. The challenge with practice is that as a beginner it is very likely you will practice incorrectly and actually reinforce the wrong movements. Because of this danger, I think it's very important to take lessons and practice the swing in small steps versus trying to master the entire swing at once. Also training aids can help with this if you get the right ones. They provide feedback that helps you to know you are swinging or practicing correctly. Video is also very useful if you are a technology kind of person. I have done this before and found it very useful. By reviewing the video I learned that I was doing some pretty ugly things that I corrected early before reinforcing it.


Not a lot say here, I just learned over time that although I enjoy the game of golf and the challenge of figuring the game out from a technique and strategy standpoint, I have found over time that I love the setting of the game and the social aspect. The setting is usually absolutely beautiful because your out in nature among trees, manicured lawns, and hopefully blue skies. As a beginner, I would literally make sure I had snakes and pops (or beer if allowed) with me as I played. This made the game into a picnic because my ball was all over the place at that time. The social side is obvious. Being with friends or meeting new friends. Remember its more than just hitting a ball around.


Golf can become very expensive because of the lessons, equipment and greens feeds at the course. For this reason, as a beginner you must not let it get out of hand otherwise you'll find yourself spending lots of money for not a lot of enjoyment. And spending the money can actually diminish the enjoyment you could have had. Try not to buy expensive equipment as a beginner. Try to avoid high dollar courses as a beginner. This may require passing on invitations from more experienced or more affluent friends. Try to avoid playing many times per week or limit it to 9 holes. Use the driving range to practice, not the golf course. Don't be afraid to pass on golf outings that usually double the price of playing unless the purpose of the outing has meaning for you personally.


Keep your priorities in line. Don't rob your family of your valuable time playing golf. In my personal experience, golf became a bad word around the house and looking back on it; I made some bad priority calls. Make sure your family always feels valued above your golf game and try to play during times when it doesn't conflict with family time.

Al Stephens writes on beginning golf tips and advice. You can learn more by visiting my blog, Beginner Golf Tips.

Golf Swing Book Review

Use these Tips to Maximize your Game

Players around the globe are constantly trying to improve their overall golf score.  Out of millions of players out their worldwide, only a small percent are able to break the score of 80.  So, what makes these golfers so different and good at what they do?  Well, they focus on their swing because it is the most important area a golfer wants to focus on, especially if they want their score to be good.  There is so many promises out there by lessons and programs on how to improve your golf score, but there is one clear leader available online, The Golf Swing Book.  It is one of the top rated eBooks currently available online.

1000s of golfers worldwide have tested this eBook program.  It promises to improve your golf score within just 2 short weeks.  A lot of programs out there require months and months of practice and are expensive to purchase or participate in.  What really appeals to every player out there is the promise of an improved game within just 2 weeks.  Let me warn you, do not think it is just going to happen without putting any time and practice into the techniques.  If you think you can just grab a golf club and use these techniques without practicing, then this eBook is not for you.

The long game, the short game or the putting game are the three primary areas in which a golfer may be experiencing problems.  Most might have one troublesome area, while others might experience problems within each of the areas.  Regardless of what areas you are having problems with, the common denominator is a golfer's swing.  So, when a golfer can improve their score in any of these areas, their overall golf game will improve.

The Golf Swing Book provides info that will help you improve your back swing, set up a correct swing plane, improve your balance, improve your swing timing and help you with accurate ball placement.  30 years of experience is what the Full Swing technique outlined within this eBook is backed by.  Learn from an expert who has already gone through the mistakes on their own, so that you do not have to learn through your own trial and error.  Improve the score of your game within just 2 short weeks by following the advice that is outlined within this eBook.  Most golfers, including you, would agree that 2 weeks is a relatively short investment of time when the outcome is a decreased golf game score.

It is considered a sign of wisdom when learning from others.  Players who really want to improve their golf game should follow the footsteps of experts.  While one can enjoy golf regardless of what the score is, it is certainly more fun for people when they have competitive golf scores.  So, take the initiative and learn proven techniques that will help you improve your swing, which is considered to be the most important area to focus your attention on.

If you want to learn more about how to improve your golf swing or your overall score? Check out: to learn now!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Golf Tips - Finding Online Golf Tips

Did you notice, in today's abundance of info and techno-everything, that there are golf lessons,golf tips, and how-to books on techniques everyplace. I think the most common, however, is the free online information. Online golf tips may be very helpful, particularly for golfing newbies. It's essential for you to learn how to locate the best golf tips and how to analyze them before buying every golf video you come across online.

You might be able to learn alot from online golf sites. To begin,log on to your favorite search engine. When you are there, think in specifics about what you want to learn about golf. If you just search "golf tips," you 'll find too many sites, making it hard to sort them out. Instead, try looking for the specific type of golf information you want. Once you find what you want,

look at a couple of the sites to be certain they are helpful and what you want to learn about.

You should, however, be a bit wary of the information you are reading.

It's been a saying that you get what you pay for. If that is your thought process, then you should be guarded about online golf information. Fact is, there is a lot of good golf info on the web, however you need to be certain you're reading the correct information. Be diligent and look at who the site sponsors are. Another thing you can do is to

check who the site author is and learn if they are an expert on golf.

Online golf tips may be a great boon for golfing newbies. You can locate a lot of the instruction you want to improve your golf game without spending a fortune on private golf lessons. Search online to locate the site you want, and take the time review it so you can make use of the best online golf tips.

For more information about how to golf tips, try visiting - a popular golf tips site that features information about putt practice, the best golf clubs, golf training aids, and more. Also sign up for a free golf tips newsletter.

Golf Tip - The Right Driver Hits The Ball

Use different golf clubs. Each club was designed for a different purpose. Learn the purpose of each club. Do not hesitate to get a golf tip or two from the sales person that sells you the golf clubs. Practice until you become very familiar with how each club swings for its design.

There is much scientific research, testing, and new technology which is being used in designing modern golf clubs. The old type golf clubs which you may have inherited from your grandparents have improved significantly.

You may not believe me, but you can ask the professional golfers and get information and real stories of how well the newer golf clubs function and how these clubs have helped improve their handicap.

The newer clubs today can help golfers to drive longer distances than has ever been accomplished i the game of golf. Upgrading your golf clubs is a great golf tip.

As you pull your driver out of the bag you can feel confident that your stroke at the tee will be your best.

A proper golf club will do wonders; however, your golf swing technique is the driving force behind the golf ball.

Have a good balance stance
Be mentally prepared and disciplined to focus
Visualize your perfect golf swing

Your drive starts from the time you pick up your club and start to play the game. The club in your hand is the announcement of your practice becoming a reality. This is not the time to become nervous, have sweaty palm, and become anxious and tense throughout your body.

Let your body muscles relax. Allow your brain to mentally focus your shot from the beginning to the completion of the drive. This is easily said, however, it takes each person time to understand body relaxation and mental discipline.

The golf swing will occur very fast. There is no time to analyze, question, or to lose your focus for those few seconds. Analyzing and questioning are done during practice drills. Focusing techniques are rehearsed while practicing and executed with discipline during the golf stroke.

Play and have fun during the game. Keep yourself updated with golf lessons, practice drills, and upgraded golfing equipment. Your game will improve.

Upgrade your golfing knowledge and learn a golf tip or two today. Visit the sports section of Tricia Deed at and review Drive For Show.

Tricia Deed of brings you through internet marketing hobbies for your leisure and recreation and business hobbies to increase your household income. I invite you to my web pages to visit and review hobby companies of your choosing. Do take advantage of their free giveaway.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Instant Golf Slice Cure Review

Bad habits are sometimes hard to break, especially when you pick up a nasty habit like slicing the ball in golf.  Many players work hard to correct a bad swing habit, and while some fix the issue, others are not so lucky.  In reality, most players that go without training will have little success in breaking their habits on their own.  The good news is that you can stop throwing your clubs after a bad hit or slice.  In fact, you can correct your issue in no time at all with The Instant Golf Slice Cure.

You will be provided with 4 easy steps, which will improve your slice.  You will be trained to develop consistent shots, how to build overall game confidence, how to decrease your strokes quickly and easily, how to keep drives in the short grass, how to pinpoint the reason for your slice and how to have more fun playing the game. You can't find these awesome ideas online anywhere and this information is not cheap, it's excellent quality. Slices occur due to specific issues, this is why The Instant Golf Slice Cure was developed and tested by golfers with strong technical ability.  You can apply these tips into your game in just one practice session, because they are user friendly and easy to learn.

With this system look to accomplish improvement in four areas:

o Confidence: Confidence is probably one the largest factors a player will face throughout the course of the game.  Common player mistakes are often made by players who lack confidence, which stop them from achieving the scores they desire.  Consistency with shots, accuracy in their shot placement and strong game scores are all signs that a golfer is playing with good confidence.

o Distance: Any serious golfer out there aims to drive the ball further from the tee.  The Instant Golf Slice Cure will teach you how to increase the distance that the ball travels when you hit it.

o Accuracy: Another skill that every player strives to master is accuracy. Being able to hit the ball exactly where you want it, every time you play, is every golfers dream.  The Instant Golf Slice Cure program will provide you with the tools to develop these skills.

o Scoring: The big picture in golf is your total score.  Nobody can argue that even though it is fun and relaxing for most players, regardless of the score, the game is certainly more entertaining with a more competitive score.  This program provides easy to follow tips that will shave points off your overall score immediately.

You can go and take expensive courses or even hire golf pros to improve your scores, but there are more affordable options that accomplish the same results.  The Instant Golf Slice Cure program will help you, and many golfers, improve their slices, dramatically improving their scores at a fraction of the cost of lessons.

Discover the fastest and easiest way to stop slicing the golf ball and take strokes off your game with this easy step by step program:

7 Free Golf Tips for Long Term Success

7 Free Golf Tips to help you play better.

First and foremost, if you are going to be able to apply free golf tips to your golf game, you should take the time to review your swing following each shot.

Observe where the ball went and question what you did to produce the outcome.

There are some great free golf tips available but, instruction and practice is sure to assist you in sharpening your game.

You can also obtain help from various books and videos that are on the market.

Another good source for information is professional golfers who know more about the subject. Be wary of getting advice from individuals you are teamed up with and your golf partners.

There are always going to be those willing to offer you advice, but bad advice is usually worse than no advice at all.

Here are 7 free golf tips that I have used over the years that have helped me get my golf game on track.

If the ball has ended up going somewhere other than where you intended, check your alignment and determine whether or not your final stance was correct.
Reviewing key points like your stance will provide great insight as to why your shot ended up going astray.
You can look on the ground and observe the path of your divot.
Look at the location of your feet right after the shot.
Did your feet move during your swing? Maybe your shoes are an issue. Take a look at the spikes and see if they are worn. Replace them if needed.
Look at the final position of your golf club.
Examine the way you are gripping your club. Are you choking the club? Is the club turning in your hands through impact?

Don't over scrutinize yourself during the course of your round, but by making minor improvements when you notice something in need of an adjustment, you can produce positive results by the close of your round.

By constantly chipping away at all aspects of your game you can produce noticeable improvements that can take your handicap to the next level. This is one of the reasons why practice is of such great importance.

Practice that should be considered as most critical should be in the areas you consider your biggest weaknesses.

While it might be fun to head to the driving range and smack the ball as far as possible, you will more than likely get better results from practicing to sharpen your chipping game or improving your distance control on the putting greens.

For more great golf tips checkout this Amazing FREE Report that Reveals How to Shave 5 to 7 strokes off Your game the next time you play.

David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Golf Tips - Give Yourself A Reality Check

No matter what level of golfer we are, we often think we are doing one thing, when in fact we are doing something different.The best way to check we haven't slipped into any bad habits is to give ourselves a regular reality check. You need a partner or a video camera with a tripod to do follow this simple golf tip and get a quick reality check.

We've found that the little 'Flip' video cameras are great. They are good value and they plug straight into a PC and play immediately - no downloading or editing / converting - just plug and play...

Start by hitting some putts, making sure your stroke is as normal as possible. You need to be checking what you're doing on the golf course so don't for example try a different grip! Take video shots from the front, side, behind and even behind the hole (being careful not to hit the camera!). Move onto hitting some full shots as well, but be careful your partner is at a nice safe distance and clearly don't film any shots from in front of you!

When you replay and review the video footage look out for the following as a minimum:

Your alignment - in particular the shoulders, but also pay attention to your feet.
The ball position - is it in the right place?
Your stance - with putting your head should be over the ball.
Your balance - particularly on the full swing. Are you moving onto the left side correctly?

The really good thing about this simple check is that you get instant feedback. Unless every time you practice you have a golf coach with you but if you can't get the feedback that you need this is a great way of substituting an expensive coach.


The camera never lies!

As a PGA Advanced Golf professional I use my video camera a lot. Many of my students simply don't always believe what I am telling them until I show them on a video camera what they are doing. This includes very good golfers with single figure handicaps. Even golf professionals benefit from the occasional reality check including me. I recommend you run a reality check around once a month with a friend.

The sooner you spot an issue with your golf the easier it is to fix it, and the longer you leave it the harder it is to fix it.

You'll find many more feedback drills on our golf putting lessons to make sure you're on the right track with your putting. Feedback is vital in all aspects of golf - make sure you are getting as much feedback as you can.

Discover The Fastest Way To Slash Your Golf Scores And Win More Matches.
Go to and claim your FREE videos Now!
Or visit our blog at for many more FREE Golf Tips.

The Stack and Tilt Golf Swing - A Review

One of the most hotly debated topics in golf circles for the last couple years is whether the Stack and Tilt golf swing will truly revolutionize the game of golf and golf instruction in general. Many proponents of the swing are almost cult like in their selling of the model, while more traditional instructors appear to be equally fanatical in their opposition.

The Stack and Tilt golf swing model first came onto the scene in 2005. It was developed by instructors Andy Plummer and Michael Bennett, who were very interested in working with tour players. Some of the tour players they initially started working with include Steve Elkington, Dean Wilson and Charlie Wi. Other players that have since adopted some or all of the model into their swings include JJ Henry, Troy Matteson and Tommy Armour III. Stars that employed the model but have since abandoned it include Aaron Baddeley and Mike Weir.

The Stack and Tilt golf swing is controversial in a few ways. First is the way it has been marketed as the swing that is "Remaking Golf." A book and DVD set have been published. The book is highly critical of conventional instruction, but in a somewhat misleading manner. Some of the comparisons between the Stack and Tilt swing and the supposed conventional swing are misleading in that most instructors worth a grain of salt would clearly not teach swing positions similar to those compared to in the book.

The second way that the swing is controversial is that it does away with any type of weight shift in the golf swing from the front foot to the back foot in the back swing. Most weight is kept on the front foot throughout the swing to prevent swaying and to keep the upper body "centered"." Many golfers have a habit of swaying too much in the back swing, and this idea is meant to counter that issue. A big sway in the back swing tends to lead to inconsistent ball striking among average golfers. On the other hand, some very successful golfers have had a bit of a sway in their swing, as taught by renowned instructor Jimmy Ballard. These players include Curtis Strange, Hal Sutton and Rocco Mediate.

Traditional golf instructors prefer to see a little weight shift to the rear leg in the back swing, particularly for longer shots, as this helps to add swing speed. Most competitors in long drive competitions clearly have a very large weight transfer to the back foot in the back swing. This helps create depth away from the ball, and more room to generate club head speed. However, timing this move is clearly more difficult.

In the Stack and Tilt model, there is a forward thrust in the hips that is offered as a different way to add swing speed. Old guard instructors are quick to point out that this thrust in the hips results in a "Reverse C" position, which puts pressure on the lower back. Anyone with lower back issues will have difficulty with this aspect of the swing.

One other aspect about the controversy surrounding the swing model is that many of the proponents suggest that the book is not meant to be followed to the letter. When describing certain feel positions in the swing, some of the positions illustrated in the book are exaggerated. Furthermore, many of the drills that are associated with the model that may be seen on the internet also exaggerate these positions. When confronted about these positions, particularly the lean of the spine toward the target in the back swing and the severe tilt in the spine away from the target in the follow through position, many proponents suggest that they are simply exaggerations, and only meant for drills. However, the book certainly does NOT make this suggestion.

Generally speaking, the Stack and Tilt model has some merit. For golfers who tend to be less skilled and have difficulty making solid contact, or tend to slice the ball, the Stack and Tilt swing can certainly be helpful. It forces the golfer to strike the ball with a descending blow, which results in the swing bottoming out past where the ball was sitting. This is a critical fundamental to solid ball striking. Most good golfers are already swinging the club in a similar way with their short irons, as there is very little weight shift involved. Furthermore, the model also encourages hitting the ball from a more inside out swing path, which will allow the golfer to learn how to hit a draw. This is done by swinging the arms more behind the body in the back swing while turning the shoulders on a steeper plane than with more conventional instruction.

On the other hand, there does appear to be an issue with ball flight when dealing with longer clubs. Maintaining most weight on the front foot and swinging the arms behind the body more does not allow for traditional shot making. From that position, the player has to come way over the top in the downswing with a big loop in order to a fade. Also, it is more difficult to get the ball high in the air using less lofted clubs with more weight on the front foot in the back swing. A steeper swing plane is then required to compensate and that can lead to other issues.

Overall, the debate regarding the merits of the Stack and Tilt swing versus more conventional golf instruction will likely rage on. Many proponents of the Stack and Tilt swing are now hoping for validation from Tiger Woods, who is now being taught by Sean Foley, a disciple of the swing model. Foley does not employ the entire model in his instruction, but he clearly does apply a good piece of it as evidenced by how Tiger appears to be swinging more recently.

A good instructor will learn to take the best of all models available and apply them in their instruction. The fact is that there is no one swing model that is perfect for every golfer, or for every shot. With that said, Plummer and Bennett have boldly put forth some new concepts and they are to be commended for that. The book is definitely recommended to golfers of all abilities seeking to educate themselves more about the golf swing.

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott Cole

Scott Cole is a Hank Haney Pro Associate golf instructor who teaches at the Olney Golf Park in Olney, Maryland. For more information, visit

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 Free Golf Tips to Improve Your Chip Shots

There are many different situations that can come into play when you are just off the green. Knowing how to approach those chips will give you the ability to get it close to the hole when you need it most. In this article we will discuss 7 free golf tips to improve your chip shots.

Choosing the Right Club

Having the right club in your hands is where it all begins. There isn't a specific rule of thumb for this. It really comes down to feel and experience. It is important to review your situation. Take time to understand the lay of the land before choosing your club.

When playing a longer chip shot an 8-iron or 9-iron are good choices. Because they are less lofted than your wedges, you will be able to get the ball on the green and allow it to run like a putt to the hole.

If you are faced with a short chip shot then your best bet is to use a wedge. In this case you are looking to land the ball on the green with a minimum amount of roll.

Chipping with Positive Results

Before we cover the 7 free golf tips, let us discuss the importance of preparing yourself for positive results.

This is not only important for your chip shots; it is a habit that you need to incorporate into every part of your game. You need to visualize what you want to accomplish with each shot you take.

Set a goal to have your chip shots to stop within about 3 feet of the hole. This is a distance that you should be able to make most of the time. The results may not always end up the way you anticipated, but when you prepare yourself mentally you increase your chances of chipping the ball correctly.

The 7 Free Golf Tips to Improve Your Chip Shots

Chipping the ball is not as hard as it may seem, but it will take some practice in order to develop an effective technique.

The following tips cover the basics for developing your technique and improving your chip shots.

1. Take a look at the green from all sides and select the best spot to land the ball. Don't try to pick an exact spot, but rather a small circle.

2. Based on the distance and contour of the green, choose the proper club for your shot and address the ball.

3. The majority of your weight will be on your front foot, about 65 to 70 percent. You want to open your stance slightly toward the point where you want to land the ball.

4. While preparing to take your shot visualize your club making solid impact with the ball and see the ball land inside the circle you have selected for your landing zone.

5. With these shots, you want to keep your wrists still, not allowing them to break. You are looking to take more of a putting type of stroke. Your lower body remains quiet and your swing is more arms and shoulders.

6. As you swing through the ball, be sure to continue all the way through, not stopping the club when you make contact with the ball. Your follow thru should be a reflection of your backswing.

7. Keep your head down through the entire swing. Resist the urge to watch the ball until you have completed your swing. This is important with all shots, but there is a tendency to do this with chips shots and putts, so make sure you see the club go through the hitting area before looking up.

If you take some time to practice these 7 free golf tips to improve your chips shots, you will see immediate results.

Lower Your Scores Today! Get Your Copy of This FREE Report That Reveals How to Shave 5 to 7 strokes off Your game the next time you play.

David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

Golf Swing Book Review: How to Break 80

Weekend golfers know that it is difficult to break 80. And now there is a book that claims to be able to teach average golfers how to break 80---repeatedly. So what do we make of it?

'How to Break 80' is written for people who enjoy golf as a hobby and can only practice a few minutes each week to significantly improve their game. It's written by Jack Moorehouse, who claims to have learned the important skill that his other non-professional golf playing peers wants to know, and that's 'How to Break 80'.

So what can you expect to find in this book?

Fundamental Golf Lessons. It contains instructions and pictures teaching you the fundamentals of golf such as having the proper posture, grip, golf swing, follow-through and much more essential information on improving your golf game. Most importantly, included in these lessons are Moorehouse's tweaks and golf drills that will help increase the effectiveness of each position and movement to help you break 80.

Short Game Golf Tips. And since a big part of lowering your goal score is having a great short game, the first section of the book discusses how players can improve their short game. There is also a section of instructions and golf drills on how to correctly read the greens, set up the shot, and putt more accurately. Moorehouse also discusses effective tactics on making a successful bunker shot during sand play to further help reduce your golf score.

Mental Game Golf Tips. A chapter on the mental game of golf is also included. Lessons are provided on how to prepare for the game mentally and how to effectively handle negative emotions during the game, such as those defeatist emotions that swell up inside of you after making a bad shot, or after making a poor judgment call.

Quick Golf Review Guide. Another helpful section in the book is the summary list of key golf lessons on how to break 80 at the end of the book.

So by reading this book, many golf hobbyists can reduce their golf lessons and skip the large amount of time needed to learn how to break 80 by trial and error.

Breaking 80 is a wonderful experience that every golfer should enjoy. So if you need more easy-to-follow golf lessons on how to improve your golf score, Jack Moorehouse's book on "How to Break 80" will get you there.

Ron Reich is the founder of High Status Golf, a company devoted to helping golfers of all levels shoot their lowest scores possible. More more great golf tips please visit

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Golf Tips - Only Practice Makes Perfect

If you are just getting into the sport of golf, you have probably heard thousands of golf tips from well-meaning golfers. However, what many golfers fail to realize is that many of the golf tips that work well for one golfer, simply do not work well for another. Here are some golf tips that work well for everyone.

As a beginner, do not rush out and buy a set of high priced clubs. Buy a set of used clubs, or better yet rent your clubs. Take a little time to see if you really enjoy the game of golf, and if you will stick to it first. The used or rented clubs won't be the top of the line, but they will get you through several games of golf to see if you are going to stick with it. This is also a good opportunity to start researching exactly what clubs you need when you are ready to buy a new set.

Golf is fun, but the sport should not be taken lightly. It is a sport - it isn't just a bunch of retired men knocking a ball around. It takes a great deal of skill and technique to master the game. The pros you see on television make it look quite simple - but it isn't. The concepts you will learn from more experienced golfers will sound easy - and look easy - in theory, but in practice, they are quite difficult. The sooner you realize this, the faster you will start to improve your game.

While golf does require skill and technique, it is still meant to be enjoyed and the experience should be relaxing. If you get angry over bad shots or you find that you are not enjoying the game, you should back up and re-evaluate your reasons for playing the game. Try to look at things from a new perspective. It is a game that tests your skill - but it should not test your patience!

Choose your golf aids carefully. A great deal of money can be wasted on aids, courses, and videos that turn out to not be any help at all. When possible, buy used aids, courses, and videos. Save your golfing money for more important things - like clubs, balls, and tees! Used clubs aren't very good - used training equipment usually works quite well.

Golf is great exercise. Riding in a golf cart defeats that purpose though. Walk, don't ride! Save the cart for the days when you really are too old to walk a short distance - take advantage of the exercise that you will get by walking from one tee to the next, and take the time to actually enjoy the walk!

Alcohol is often served at the clubhouse - but you should wait until you finish your round of golf before consuming any. First, the alcohol will greatly alter your game. Second, alcohol is a dehydrating substance, and this isn't safe in the hot sun. Carry water with you during your game, and make sure you drink plenty of it!

Becoming good at the game takes a lot of practice. Use your practice sessions to learn what mistakes you are making, and work to correct them. Don't just keep making the same mistakes over and over, thinking that it doesn't matter, or that it is too hard to learn! If you're going to play, play to win!

Use training aids, and if possible, video tape yourself playing a round of golf, making sure that you get close up shots of you teeing off, close up shots of the club hitting the ball on the tee-off, and even shots of you putting. Have a friend run the camera for you for best results, and review the tape in slow motion to see what needs the most work.

The most important golf tips you will ever receive are the ones that focus on good sportsmanship. Never make fun of other players. Some people do look funny playing golf - but those funny looking people can probably beat every aspect of your game, and they will have the last laugh. Be respectful of your fellow golfers, and listen closely to the advice of the seasoned players. provides you with information on the best golf tips available, instructions on how to get your strokes down and much more!

The Benefits Offered By Golf Training Ebook Reviews

The main purpose of golf training ebook reviews is to offer the reader a comprehensive insight into the various golf training ebooks available on the Internet. Every golf training ebook has something different to offer in it's approach to a system. Some will offer tips and techniques of swinging, chipping and putting while others concentrate on golf fitness training or the mental approach to the game.

The benefits of golf training ebook reviews are many and varied. Firstly, they offer readers the opportunity to assess the potential of a cross section of the most popular golf training ebooks, and highlight the features and strengths of each product. This is extremely useful for any golfing enthusiast who is seeking to improve his/her game and looking for some quality golf training advice. Deciding which of the plethora of available golf training ebooks would be more likely to provide the most useful tips and techniques to raise the level of his/her play, can be a daunting task, and perusing through golf training ebook reviews can help in making the correct decision.

As these golf training ebooks typically offer advice on different aspects of how to play better golf, the reader should first identify the part of his/her game that requires the most improvement. By refering to the golf training ebook reviews, they are then able to narrow their search to the golf training ebooks offering the most relevant help and advice. Visiting the product sales page will soon present a clearer picture of the one golf training ebook containing the tips and techniques the reader will need to improve his/her golf game.

Of course, there are so called 'review sites' that simply copy and paste information from the product sales page, maybe altering a word or two here and there and the review reads much like an advertisement for that particular product. This type of golf training ebook review will offer you nothing in the way of credible viewpoint. A good golf training ebook web site will be constructed by those who have obtained copies of each of the golf training ebooks to be reviewed, and actually put into practice the systems described and noted the effects of the techniques taught in each ebook.

Apart from highlighting the actual content described in the various golf training ebooks, a good review will also offer comments on many other strong points of each product, for example, how easy the system is to follow, whether the tutorial offers step-by-step instruction, if the training tips are accompanied by sketches, diagrams and illustrations and whether the product is backed by a 100% guarantee with a full refund if the system fails to make a difference.

Reviews of ebooks in general will often make a point of mentioning the number of pages which go to make up the complete publication. Although interesting to know, this information typically has little bearing on the usefulness of the content. For example, a golf training ebook with as little as 24 pages can often teach you techniques that will slice 7 or 8 shots off your score card, whereas a 96 page similarly presented golf training ebook may describe a system in greater detail that will only cut your score by 3 or 4 shots. The number of pages in an ebook tutorial is irrelevant!

Another obvious benefit of reading golf training ebook reviews is that the review sites often contain full listings of all the golf training ebooks available on the Internet, which saves the reader the trouble of searching for themselves. The web site reviewer/owner has already done the work of finding the products and they are now all listed together which makes it far easier for the reader to make instant comparisons of the various products.

So for those golfing enthusiasts who are searching for quality golf training ebooks in an effort to lower their scores, they would be well advised to find and make use of the information offered by a golf training ebook reviews web site, which will point them in the direction of the right tutorials to suit their personal needs, instead of investing in a product that either fails to cover the particular aspect of golf that interests them, or worse still, teaches nothing they didn't already know!

Trevor Taylor

Trevor Taylor writes of his experiences in the Internet Marketing arena.
Golf Training Ebook Reviews

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Senior Golf Swing - Golf Driver Tips

Imagine that little white ball soaring, straight as an arrow, down the centre of the fairway...Great!

You will find Golf Driver Tips everywhere, both online and offline. This particular club can be difficult to master, its size and length can be intimidating, especially for beginners. Golf Driver Tips are aplenty, and here are some of the best and most effective for the senior golf swing.

A solid, reliable drive off the tee is a key element to a lower score. Hook or slice and its bye bye birdie. A few wayward drives off the tee will ruin your score for the entire game, and probably your day.

Conversely, Senior Golfers (and others) who are prepared to review these Golf Driver Tips will often see lower scores if they apply them to a senior golf swing.

A great drive, combining both distance and accuracy will have your ball end up closer to your target, the green. You now have an advantage; a shorter shot to the green makes the possibility of a birdie or even an eagle easier. A few of these shots will certainly help to lower your score significantly.

Golf Driver Tip #1 - "Relax".

This is extremely important and requires you to practice patience and concentration. Master it and you will enjoy your game to the full. You have heard it before "let the club head do the work" Muscling your way through a tee shot is a sure way for you to wind up looking for your ball in the woods. Trying to Rip the ball down the fairway will almost always result in a hook or a slice. The Senior Golf Swing should be a thing of grace and beauty.

Golf Driver Tip #2 - "Clear your Head"

The last hole is gone. If you had a poor showing do not take the baggage with you to the next tee. Anger and Frustration over a bad score on the previous hole will almost certainly lead to a bad drive. Before addressing your ball, or even before your it is your turn to tee-off, take time to calm down, breathe deeply, and most importantly, go through your pre-shot routine.

Golf Driver Tip #3 -"Practice"

The Golf driving range is the place to hone your skills. Repeated practice of the senior golf swing, especially with the modern great big oversized drivers is the key...Why?

• Oversized clubs can be difficult to square up at first. To find the "sweet spot" with the heavier and larger head requires plenty patience and practice.

• Gaining confidence to use these big drivers is essential and golf practice is the only way to get it

• Oversized clubs require the ball to be teed up higher. The best place to test and practice using the correct height is on the range...not on the first tee!

Golf Driver Tip #4 -"The Grip"

Resist the urge to strangle the club when you take it into your hands. Chances of slicing the ball multiply in direct proportion to the force of the "death grip" Golf 101 teaches various grips but all of them teach you to use "light pressure"...Why?

• Light pressure enhances the wrist hinge which is a vital power source in the swing.

• Light pressure increases club face rotation resulting in improved square contact.

This Tip also applies to all the other clubs in the golf bag, and more importantly to a senior golf swing.

Sam Snead - "Hold the club as if you had a little baby bird in your hand."

Practicing these golf driver tips will result in Senior Golfers achieving better distance and accuracy with your drives off the tee. Remember: the only way to learn new skills is to get out there and practice.

Gary Player - "The harder you work the luckier you get"

"Carpe Diem"

35 years striving to become a 10 handicap golfer (I made it!) the articles at are the result of my experience, professional coaching and mistakes corrected. Read, Apply and Practice the tips, the articles will certainly help you to improve your game.

Improve in your own time! Download and work through these 4 FREE eBOOKS packed with valuable information for golfers at all levels plus receive an email series of tips and instruction by tour pro's guaranteed to reduce your scores.

The Golf Beginner Guide (Review)

The Golf Beginner Guide is a book that can be used by beginners and experienced golfers alike. Sure, the book was written for beginners, but as a Golf Pro, I was pleasantly surprised by how much even an experienced player like myself can take away from this book.  The amount of content it (over 240 pages) is unbelievable.  I'll have to admit that the mere amount of pages scared me at first, but the straightforward approach the author took when writing this book made it easy to read, follow, and digest.

The Golf Beginner Guide: What Were the Results?

Unlike the other golf ebooks I have reviewed, this book covers everything there is to know about golf.  It will teach you the basics of driving, chipping, and putting down to the finest detail.  If you don't have a good swing, this book covers it.  If you lack any kind of foundation in your game, this book will provide you with a sturdy one.  If you already have a solid foundation in your game like me, this book will reinforce it.

This book offers beneficial tips in all facets of the game.  I really liked the strategy the Golf Beginner Guide covers for its reader.  Not only will it tell you how to hit certain shots, it will tell you how to approach them, both mentally and physically.  Golf isn't all about hitting it far and straight, being successful also has a lot to do with knowing when to hit which club, when to have a full swing, when to use a half swing...etc.   The Golf Beginner Guide's index is great and well organized as you will be able to skim back through the book very easily if you are looking to revisit a specific lesson/or topic.  This is how I used it for the most part, rather than use it as a book, you can use it as a too/or guide and constantly refer back to it.

To find out more about the Golf Beginner Guide: Click Here

Best of luck,

Nick Boynton ( [] )

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Five Golf Tips for New Golfers

As a novice golfer your understanding of the game of golf is probably limited to golf rules and the equipment that you need to play the game with. While you can probably get by for awhile with this basic information you will more than likely need to learn more about the game then just the basics, especially if you want to compete in a golf tournament some day.

Tip Number 1 - Know Where to Find Help

There are a lot of places where you can find golf help. The first place is to find a golfing coach. They will be able to provide you with instructions on how to properly grip the different golf clubs, which clubs to use and when, how to develop a good golf swing, and how to get the ball in the hole. They can also provide you with putting tips.

Tip Number 2 - Select a Club With the Right Sized Grip

One of the problems that can impair your swing and putting capabilities is the wrong sized golf grip. If you have larger hands then you know that standard sized golf grips feel small, and as a result your grip tends to be too tight. By gripping too tightly you create a number of problems that impair your swing including muscle fatigue. The size of your grip should be large enough to encourage a firm but not overly-tight grip.

Tip Number 3 - See How You Swing

Because your golf swing is one of the most important factors in determining how well you will perform in a golf game it is important to evaluate how well you swing your golf club. To do this you can set up a video camera and record a few practice swings. Review the tape and look for breaks in your form. Also look for signs that you are not balancing properly. If you don't know what to look for, compare your swing form to that of good golfer.

Tip Number 4 - Know How High to Position the Golf Tee

The height of the golf tee is very important to the effectiveness of your tee off. In most cases you can use the height of your driver club face as your tee height gage. The bottom of the ball should be positioned so that at least 50 percent of the golf ball is looking over the top of the driver's club face.

Tip Number 5 - Know All the Rules of the Games, Even the Weird Rules

If you are serious about becoming a good golfer then you need to learn all of the rules of the game, including the obscure rules that address once in a lifetime golfing situations. These golf rules can be found in golfing books published by the PGA, or in pamphlets provided by your local golf course or club. While you don't necessarily need to memorize all the rules of the game, you should at least familiarize yourself with the most common rules.

Are you in the market for womens golf tips []? Fore Her Golf carries golf clothing and accessories with a feminine appeal including polo shirts, skirts, shoes, hats and outerwear from top brands - also a great selection of golf shoes [] and memorabilia for the lady golfer in your life. Fore Her Golf is your source for women's golf supplies and gifts, products reviews and recommendations as well as tips and training techniques. For more information on golfing and other recreational activities visit the sports directory.

Basic Golf Tips For the Beginner Golfer

When you decide you want to learn the game of golf, there are lots of basics you need to know about at the start. But where do you begin if you are a complete newbie? Well, there are various resources on the Internet to help you with the basics.

Golfing Tips For Beginners

The beginner golfer can start off by reading some free golf tips online. The Golfing Tips For Beginners site is a growing resource that you can visit to learn about every aspect of the game. You will find articles and links to specific sections for further detailed information. A couple of resources that you will find are links to free golf tips videos and a review blog.

Basic Golfers Tips

The Basic Golfers Tips articles cover the things that you need to know to get started. There are currently 8 articles covering the basics; starting with the scoring system, these articles will take you through choosing the necessary equipment to the different types of shots.

Golfing Resources

There are some carefully chosen resources at the golf tips for beginners' page. You will find PDF eBooks specially written for the beginner golfer, the senior golfer and the woman golfer. Also, links to the best balls and clubs for beginners.

Golfing Equipment

You will obviously need some golfing equipment to start with. The essential items are clubs, tees, bag, and balls, though you don't necessarily need to buy these at first; you can rent them out from your local course. On the other hand, if you are serious about playing the game, then buying a good set of clubs, balls and a bag is fundamental.

When you take the decision to buy your equipment you will see that there are hundreds of choices. Many of the big name manufacturers of clubs and balls spend millions each year trying to get you to buy their equipment. Don't rush out and spend thousands of dollars on clubs that might not suit your game.

Preferably, start off with a good set of clubs that are designed with the beginner in mind. Sometimes, they are called game improving clubs and they are designed to be more forgiving to miss-hits. You can have them tailor made for your physical size and swing speed by customizing the clubs with the correct shaft type and flex.

Hence, for your basic education, check out what the golf tips for beginners website has to offer. There will be more articles added and more reviews at the blog to help you figure out what products are a good investment.

Beginner golfers - Learn How to Golf Better with Mick's golf tips articles and advice. You will learn everything from how to Practice Golf to how to fix a hook and everything in between.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Seven Top Golf Tips to Curing Your Golf Slice

The golf slice is a nuisance to golfers. The ball ends up nowhere near your intended target, thus ultimately raising your golf score.

Eradicating the slice from your game is a major solution to bringing down your golf score. Below are some of the most effective tips for correcting the golf slice.

Golf Tip #1: Check Your Grip

For right-handed golfers, check that the line between the thumb and forefinger of your left hand that is gripping the club shaft is directly pointing to your right eye. Moreover, the left thumb must be placed in the palm of your right hand or trailing hand. Also make sure your grip is firm, but avoid making the grip too hard to maintain the fluidity of the release during impact.

Golf Tip #2: Thumbs Up at Follow-Through

If you're gripping the shaft of the club correctly, the grip will be released after ball impact and your hands will take a thumbs-up position.

Golf Tip #3: Leading Shoulder Should Move Down

As you swing the golf club, your front shoulder (or left shoulder for the right-handed golfer) must go down with the swing. Not doing this will result in a slice or the ball being hit from the outside to the inside.

Golf Tip #4: Set-up Correctly

It is important that the golf ball be correctly positioned so that the face of the club will squarely hit the ball and prevent the slice from occurring. Having the ball farther in front will cause you to hit the ball at an arc or with the club face open, thereby causing a slice.

Golf Tip #5: Don't Hold Back on Your Follow-Through

Don't stop or shorten your follow through as not to reduce the speed and power of your golf swing. By allowing your follow through to proceed freely, you will maintain a correct balance during the swing. And this will enable you to hit the ball squarely, thus helping you avoid hitting a slice.

Golf Tip #6: Train Your Body with Golf Drills

It's important to actually perform the golf drills and not just read several golf tips. By performing golf drills frequently, you will be able to build-up your motor memory or cellular memory for executing the 'optimal' golf swing.

By performing the golf drills, the correct swing will feel more natural and over time, your body will be trained to swing the golf club consistently at the right rhythm, power, and accuracy. You will be able to actualize the shots that you visualize at a higher rate.

Golf Tip #7: Aim for a Flatter Golf Plane

A slice results from an open-faced hit produced when a golfer's swing travels an overly vertical golf plane or path. You can stop producing golf slices when you make your golf swing flatter by bending your knees more and turning your shoulders during each golf swing.

Most importantly, review your swing fundamentals to be able to pinpoint the root cause of your slice. Start your analysis from the most basic such as your golf grip, set-up, back swing, follow through, and etc.

Eventually, with your regular review and performance of golf swing drills, golf slices will be a thing of the past in your golf game.

Ron Reich is the founder of High Status Golf, a company devoted to helping golfers of all levels shoot their lowest scores possible. More more great golf tips please visit

Free Golf Tips - Playing From a Poor Lie

A poor lie is one of the things you will run into no matter what golf course or country club you are playing. There will be times when you end up landing in areas where the grass is sparse or patches with weeds or worse. This is just an inevitable part of the game.

I would like to share with you some free golf tips for playing from a poor lie.

Dealing with a Muddy Lie - Finding you ball in a muddy spot can be troubling, but it doesn't have to be. In reality recovering from a lie like this isn't that difficult.

When this shot is played properly, your biggest issue will be whether you can avoid getting mud on yourself. When the ball is sitting up in the mud, just address and play it the same way you would a fairway bunker shot. Play the ball back in your stance about an inch and stand a bit taller than usual. Take and easy balanced swing and pick the ball off the lie. Try not to take a divot with this shot.

If you have a somewhat plugged lie in the mud, then you are probably entitled to relief. If you are playing in a competition, check with one of your competitors or a rules official.

If no relief is available, you want to play this shot similar to the way you would play a plugged lie in the sand. The only change would be is to use your pitching wedge or a short iron. Don't use a sand wedge in this situation.

Playing out of a Divot - Nothing is more frustrating than hitting a good drive only to find it in a divot. You want to use an iron with this shot and make a couple of minor adjustments to your normal setup.

Play the ball back in your stance just an inch or so. Make sure the clubface is square or just slightly closed.

With the ball sitting just a bit lower than normal, you will need to adjust slightly. Take a slow backswing and set yourself at the top of your backswing. Do your best to avoid rushing the downswing. You want to contact the ball first; a balanced forward swing with limited lower body movement will help here. There is a good chance the ball will fly lower than usual and then roll after landing, so be sure to consider this when you select your club.

Ball Sitting in a Fluffy Lie - Playing a shot that is sitting up on top of deep grass has the potential for trouble. One thing you must be careful not to move the ball during your review and preparation for the shot.

There is the possibility of making limited or no contact with the ball. You have to make sure that you actually strike the ball solid. With this type of lie you want to take your practice swings away from you ball, but in similar grass. This will give you a feel for how far you may need to choke down on the club.

Shorten your backswing a bit and limit your lower body movement. Take a shallower downswing than normal, "sweeping" the ball off the grass rather than hitting down. Swing easy and focus more on making clean contact with the ball rather than trying to get maximum distance from the shot.

Get your game on track with simple golf swing tips to lower your scores. Visit:

David Wakeman
This article originally posted at: World Golf Emporium

Friday, December 16, 2011

Golf Tips - Golf Clubs, Bags and More

Do you have a low par and are you really blaming your equipment - bag, clubs etc? Well, no matter the time you spend practicing at your local club or watching golfing videos you will not advance your game with defective golf equipment, this is a fact.

I would recommend you review your golf equipment as a primary step in advancing your game.

Purchasing golfing equipment for the first time can lead to expensive mistakes, you may read reviews or take the advice of a friend but unless you personally inspect your bags and try your golf clubs etc you will end up replacing them within a very short time. A lot can be said about the cost of golfing equipment, whether its good to purchase new or used clubs but inspection, trial and research fuels the right decision every time and in the long run can save you a lot of money and much disappointment.

If you are looking to regrip your clubs for example, first and foremost: be careful. The reason for caution is that the grips on your clubs ultimately affect your game and if you were to regrip and it went wrong your game will suffer accordingly. Prior to regripping your clubs understand the core grip of the club and in addition the size of your hand, the shaft of the club ideally will match the grips diameter.

In short, use only the very best materials for grip that are known to improve the performance of the club and ultimately your game.

One more golfing tips using ill-fitted clubs is a disaster waiting to happen., determining best grip is proportionate to the golfers body mass and strength thus with these two factors aligned a perfect swing (in relation to your skill) is possible and a lower par achievable.

On the basis you have a healthy budget for your golf clubs, then custom clubs are a must and are buy far a better investment for the pro and amateur golfer alike. One can buy clubs of the shelf and indeed a reasonable set of clubs can purchased at a good price but what sets custom golf clubs apart; they have grips designed exclusively for you.

You can expect to pay significantly more for custom golf clubs, but I believe the improvement in your game is worth the extra money.

On final golf tip, your clubs need to be the number one item on your shopping list and play the most crucial role in your game. The choice you make for your clubs will contribute largely to your game and this is why research is critical. There are 2 types of clubs available, let's take a brief look. Firstly, there are steel shaft club and there is the graphite-made golf club. So, generally the steel shaft clubs are the preferred choice for the professional golfer male or female, the graphite clubs are becoming very popular with women players and advanced and new golfers it is worth bearing in mind that generally steel shafts are less expensive than graphite shafts and graphite clubs are noticeably lighter. Ultimately, the choice of club is yours with the only limitation being your budget.

(C) 2010 Nigel Masters. Visit our website or more information on professional article writing and SEO Services EMP.

On-Line Golf Tips And Ideas

Every golfer, be it a newbie or knowledgeable might always have a tendency to gain by a useful golf lesson of golf. Top-of-the-line methods in which one might aim to turning into extra professional, based mostly on lessons and recommendation, is through gaining mentioned perception and directions from one of the best within the field. Since many people are usually not so lucky as to stay next door to a golfing hero, listed below are some online golf ideas that many professionals have themselves advocated and employed inside their games in reaching success.

The first online golf tip is to keep your eye on the ball. Seems easy sufficient? Nevertheless it tends to be a mistake that many amateur golfers are likely to make. You cannot obviously hit something you can't see. The second online golf tip is to maintain your hand low and to restrict the height of your shot. The more lowered the height of the shot, the longer the drive would be. The third online golfing tip is to use your whole body to power your drive and never the strength of your arms. That is one that requires some practice and there are numerous on-line golf ideas in the form of videos where you'd have the ability to perfect the art of it. The fourth online golf tip is to practice, follow and get little bit more practice. Sure it's true; its practice that's going to make you the star golfer you so badly want to be. There is however a concept behind this "practices" statement. In golf, the important thing to success is what is called muscle memory. By practicing the same movements, your body will keep in mind your muscle contractions and permit you that very same shot increasingly more each time you come on to the course. The fifth and last online golf tip is to relax. Get pleasure from yourself, and don't overlook to congratulate yourself for each well played shot because you recognize you earned it.

The above online golf suggestions are adequate to get you on your approach, however if you are certainly serious about the sport there are numerous strategies by way of which one could go about bettering themselves. Visit the online or retail retailer that may have video lessons for you to further perfect your game. The many online golf tips obtainable may present the theory behind the activity; however the activity itself is important. Therefore in a sport such as golf, the speculation backed with visual aid might suit your purpose more. Do not think it unnecessary to coach yourself on the game, if it is your aim to be good at the sport. A bit of effort initially will go a long approach to changing into self-satisfied with providing yourself and opportunity to enjoy life just a little bit more.

Looking for insights on some golf swing techniques, training, equipment, methods and some online golf tips? Feel free to visit our site to get information with our golf swing reviews and for more updates and lessons on the fundamentals of golfing.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Golf Fitness Challenge Review - Golf Fitness Program Exposed

Are you looking for a review of the golf fitness challenge system? Of course you are, and your looking for it because you want to improve your golf game dramatically. I tried out this wonderful system first hand, and I gotta say my game has seen a significant increase in the past few weeks. One of the biggest challenges we face as golfers is the ability to power through the ball when were hitting it. Its kind of like the wrist snap of a ping pong player or the follow through of a basketball player. There is always one unique thing about a particular sport that helps us determine whether or not we have hit our peak.

I started playing golf at a relatively young age, but never really got into it until late last year. My swing had some consistency but I was not driving the ball the distances I thought I could. That's when I ran across an ad for the golf fitness challenge. I decided to give it a try and found the tips and hints to improve my golf game to be very valuable. Many golfers are not exposed to the idea that nutrition and an effective energy management plan can help better prepare them for a day on the course. Throughout this book, topics that will help you stay nutritious and healthy are discussed in great detail. If you get nothing else from this system, at the very least it will get you in the shape of your life and make you feel better and more productive. Gone are the days when golf used to be a simple, non physical sport other than carrying yourself up to the club house for a round of drinks when you were done.

Many professional golfers nowadays have been hitting the gym, running the circuit, and working with strength conditioning coaches to improve their performance. And years of research, conducted by members of the golf fitness challenge team, have helped design programs specifically targeted to golfers. This has certainly improved my game and made me a better all around player.

If you would like to learn more about how to improve your swing and get into great shape at the same time, go to golf fitness challenge to learn more. There you will read why getting into shape will improve your golf game dramatically.

Rob Vrabel is an avid golfer and fitness specialist.

Free Golf Tips to Eliminate Miss Hits When Hitting Pitch Shots

Are you one that has problems with hitting pitch shots? Have you ever wondered what causes you to miss hit when pitching a golf ball? There are two types of miss hit shots; either you top the ball or you hit a skull shot.

There is nothing more frustrating to be a pitch and a putt away from par only to miss hit the ball and end up with bogey or worse. Don't feel that you are alone this is one of the more common problems that weekend golfer contend with.

Let's go over why these shots happen and free golf tips to eliminate the miss hits when hitting pitch shots.

First, let's review how you setup for pitch shots. Start with the golf ball in the center of your stance or just a bit back of center. With this shot your weight should be more on your front foot. This will cause the handle of your golf club to end up forward of the golf ball.

One of the biggest mistakes that amateur golfers make is that when they start their backswing, their body shifts back. When this happens you shift your body weight and that means that the majority of your weight is no longer on your front foot. This shift makes it more difficult to get the club under the ball.

This one mistake is the primary reason that golfers end up topping or skulling the ball around the green.

Another mistake that many amateur golfers make is believing that in order to hit a good pitch shot, they need to have a complete follow thru.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In order to stop miss hitting the ball when playing a pitch shot you need to make some minor adjustments.

Again, the golf ball should be in the center of your stance or just back of center. The handle of your golf club will be to the left of the ball. The majority of your weight is on your left side. Your swing should be mostly with the arms.

There is no shifting of body weight or rotation of the upper body for this shot.

For those golfers that hit fats shots is caused by too much backswing. The swing should be abbreviated with no wrist action. The wrists should remain firm similar to putting. Don't try to help the ball up in the air. Proper contact with the ball is all that is needed.

When you get set up make sure you're not leaning too far over on the left side. You want to have about 60 to 70 percent of your weight on your left side. The key here is to swing the golf club up on the inside. This will give the golf club a little better angle into the back of the ball.

Try these free golf tips the next time you're out. I promise you that will help.

Shave 5 to 7 strokes off Your game the next time you play. Get this Amazing FREE Report

David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Q-School Finals for PGA Tour, LPGA Begin Wednesday

The final qualifying tournaments in the PGA Tour and LPGA Tour Q-Schools begin on Wednesday, the PGA Tour at PGA West in La Quinta, Calif., and the LPGA at LPGA International in Daytona Beach, Fla. The LPGA concludes on Sunday (five rounds) while the PGA Tour concludes on Monday (six rounds).

PGA Tour
The top 25 players at the conclusion of play earn full status for 2012. David Duval is the name that will get the most attention. The former world No. 1, 2001 British Open winner, 14-time PGA Tour winner is back at Q-School finals after making it through a second-stage qualifier several weeks ago. Duval finished No. 152 on the PGA Tour money list in 2011.

In addition to Duval, there are three other major champions in the field: Rich Beem, Lee Janzen and Shaun Micheel. Janzen is a 2-time major winner.

Among the PGA Tour winners and recognizable journeymen are Tommy Armour III, who holds the PGA Tour 72-hole scoring record and has been playing the Champions Tour; Guy Boros, Daniel Chopra, Bob Estes, Steve Flesch (the fourth-winningest left-hander in tour history), Carlos Franco, Robert Gamez, Jason Gore, Mathias Gronberg, Bob May, Scott McCarron, Tim Petrovic and Dean Wilson.

Former Ryder Cuppers Jeff Maggert, Boo Weekley and Brett Wetterich are entered. So are three former Big Breakers: Benoit Beisser, James Nitties and Anthony Rodriguez.

Two others with excellent chances this week are Harris English, the NCAA star who won as an amateur on the Nationwide Tour this year; and Asian Tour star Seung-Yul Noh.

And two more who aren't among the favorites but will be great stories if they earn their cards: onetime wunderkind Ty Tyron and Arnold Palmer's grandson Sam Saunders.

View the full entry list and other tourney info on Live scoring will be available there, too, once play begins, and the Golf Channel is televising the tournament.

See also:
List of PGA Tour Q-School winners

At LPGA Tour Q-School finals, the top 20 finishers earn the highest available exemption status for 2012. But the LPGA finals are perhaps more notable who isn't playing as for who is. Because who isn't playing is Lexi Thompson. Thompson played a first-stage qualifier and was entered in a second-stage qualifier, but was granted LPGA membership after winning the Navistar LPGA Classic at age 16.

The only major champion in the field is Birdie Kim, winner of the 2005 U.S. Women's Open. In the past two years, Kim has made only two cuts - but they were the last two tournaments she played this year.

Also entered are Minea Blomqvist, who shares the LPGA record for lowest round in a major; and former U.S. Women's Amateur champ Mariajo Uribe, who won the unofficial money HSBC Brasil Cup this year.

Recent amateur stars Carlota Ciganda, Ginger Howard, Danielle Kang, Kimberly Kim and Lizette Salas bear watching, as do current amateurs Brianna Do, Stephanie Kono and Victoria Tanco.

Big Breakers in the field are Lili Alvarez, Mallory Blackwelder, Sara Brown, Blair O'Neal, Nicole Smith, Bri Vega and Whitney Wright.

And we'll also mention Izzy Beisiegel, who earlier in 2011 made it through Canadian Tour Q-School, the first woman to do so. Beisiegel had full or partial LPGA status from 2004-07.

You can view the full field on, and that link is also where you can find scores once play begins.

See also:
List of LPGA Tour Q-School winners

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Tiger Woods Back Among the Winning

Our long national nightmare is over. Tiger Woods is a winner again on the golf course.

More than two years after his last victory, Woods finally got back on the winning side on Sunday, beating Zach Johnson by a stroke with a final-hole birdie putt at Woods' own Chevron World Challenge.

No, it wasn't a PGA Tour win. Yes, it was a win against a very short field - only 17 other golfers in the tournament. Both criticisms are true, and neither one matters at all.

When you are arguably the greatest golfer of all-time and you haven't won in two years, it doesn't matter where that next win finally comes. Just that it does come.

Woods earned the victory by finally making a couple clutch putts on the last two holes, the kind of putts that were once routine for Tiger but had been in short supply recently. His ballstriking and shotmaking were excellent throughout the tournament. And winning will probably do wonders for Woods' confidence.

What do you think this victory bodes for Woods in 2012? Is it a fluke, a cheap victory against a tiny field, or is it the beginning of another round of Woods domination?

View the original article here

Report: Natalie Gulbis In Next Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

natalie gulbis sports illustrated swimsuit issue Natalie Gulbis will be featured in the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, according to a report from an unlikely source.

The source? Gulbis' good friend Cristie Kerr. Posting on Twitter, Kerr wrote: "Look for (Gulbis) in the SI swimsuit issue coming out soon! Body painting!"

Body painting? Assuming Kerr is correct in what she tweeted, then Gulbis won't even be wearing a swimsuit in the swimsuit issue, she'll be nude - but with body painting creating the illusion of a swimsuit. (See the Body Painting section of's Swimsuit 2011 feature to see how it works - not necessarily safe for work).

Gulbis' appearance in the 2012 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition has not yet been confirmed by Gulbis herself, nor by SI.

Gulbis has famously posed for bikini pics in the past, both for her own annual calendars (which she stopped doing a few years ago), and for magazines. Gulbis' first wall calendar was released in 2004 and was considered too hot for the USGA - the governing body banned the calendar's sale at the 2004 U.S. Women's Open. Later in 2004, Gulbis appeared in a racy photo shoot for FHM magazine.

SI's annual swimsuit issue usually comes out in February, so look for Gulbis' appearance then (but just to reiterate: there is no confirmation yet). If you can't wait to see Gulbis in a swimsuit (or what appears to be a swimsuit, anyway), check out our Natalie Gulbis Glamour Shots gallery, which includes a few of her bikini pics.

(Photo: Getty Images/from the 2005 Gulbis calendar)

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Equipment: Trusty Rusty Plus Accessories

Remember the old Trusty Rusty wedges from Cobra? What's old is new again. Cobra is bring back the Trusty Rusty wedges, and they are the first items featured in this roundup of new equipment.

This roundup is heavy on accessories: multiple golf bags and golf shoes. One of the shoes spotlighted is from VivoBarefoot, a company that makes lightweight, ultra-thin-soled shoes.

View the gallery

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No, 'Golf' Does Not Stand for 'Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden'

Does golf have urban legends? Given that it's golf, we should probably call them suburban legends. But yes, golf has them - those myths, half-truths and untruths that just won't go away no matter how many times they are batted down.

Probably the most persistent is the myth that the word "golf" is an acronym that stands for "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden." It's not and it doesn't.

This suburban legend regularly makes the rounds on Twitter these days. But no matter how many folks repeat it, it's still not true.

FAQ: What is the origin of the word 'golf'?

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Monday, December 12, 2011

The Major Champions

We've added two new pages to Golf that organize the list of major championship winners in different ways. First up is the list of major winners by year and tournament. And next up is the list of major championship winners alphabetized by golfer.
Both pages show you the full list of every winner of every men's professional major yet played. You can also click on any major listed to view the final scores and read a recap (except for a handful of British Opens - but we're working on that).
See also:
Future majors

View the original article here

7 Free Golf Tips - Improve Your Chipping

There are many times when we are find ourselves facing a shot from off of the green. In these cases we are staring at a chip shot in order to save par. Having the ability to work the golf ball around the greens could make a big difference within your round of golf.
Being successful chipping the ball starts with selecting the best club. There aren't any strict rules that determine which golf club works for a certain scenario when chipping. Still you will have to pinpoint the best golf club by examining the surrounding area and just how far away you will need the golf ball to travel.
You should set a goal to chip the ball close enough to the hole to know that you will make the putt. This may not happen every time, but having a positive mental picture of a successful chip shot will reduce the mistakes you make.
Let's go over the 7 Free Golf Tips to improve your chipping
Chipping the ball correctly is not as difficult as golfers may think. It will require some practice to improve your techniques, but nothing that can't be accomplished in a short time.
The following golf tips will help you understand the concepts behind proper chipping:
1. Review the green to determine the best spot to land the ball. This will vary depending on how far you are from the hole.
2. With your club in hand, address the ball along the target line.
3. Place the majority of your weight on your front foot. Use a somewhat open stance toward your target (not the hole).
4. Visualize your club making solid impact with the ball and landing on the spot you chose during your initial review.
5. Keep your wrists firm and draw the club back similar to the way you would if you were putting. This should come from your shoulders while your lower body remains stationary.
6. Swing your club back along the target line traveling down and through the golf ball.
7. Be sure to keep your form throughout the entire swing. Your wrists should remain fixed and not break at any time.
Practice these free golf tips until you developed a repetitive routine. Once you have gotten comfortable with this technique it will become a natural part of your game and you will no longer think about it on the golf course.

Get more simple free golf tips from this FREE Report that Reveals How to Shave 5 to 7 strokes off Your game the next time you play.
David Wakeman
World Golf Emporium

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Low Trajectory With Irons? Here's a Checklist of Fixes

Do you struggle getting any height on your iron shots? If you iron trajectory is lower than you'd like, the issue comes down to impact position. You need to get the clubface onto the ball is a better position. But how?
Here is a checklist of possible fixes for low iron trajectory that can help explain the issues.
Also new on the site:
Future majors

View the original article here

Monday, November 7, 2011

What Are Some Golf Training Swing Tips That Will Improve Your Game?

Charlie loved to golf, but hadn't had much opportunity to spend time on the golf course in recent years. He was now excited that his busy schedule had lightened up a bit, and he now had time to head to the course on a more regular basis. However, while he had been spending time working and taking care of a busy personal life, others had been refining their golf skills. Charlie felt that he no longer could compete with some of his old golfing buddies, and so he wanted to get some golf training swing tips to help him bring his game up to speed with his buddies.
When you want to improve your game, you have many different options to pursue. It is understandable that you want to enjoy playing your best game possible so you are a competitive challenge to your friends. Like Charlie, are you interested in finding more golf training swing tips that will help you bring your game to the next level? Here are some ideas for improving your game:
• Fitness. You will benefit from improving your fitness level through golf fitness training. This type of training is ideal because it works to tone the muscles used in the game as well as improve your overall cardio health. Whether you are in peak health right now or you need to tone up a bit, this type of training will help you to play a solid 18 holes rather than fizzle out at the end of the game.
• New Gear. Golf training equipment is constantly being innovated, and if you are golfing with old equipment, you aren't taking advantage of these innovations like others are. Make the investment to update your clubs and equipment, and you will likely see an improvement to your game.
• Driving Range. You don't have to spend hours and hours playing a round to squeeze some practice time in. Take some time every day or two to head to the driving range and swing away at a few balls. The extra practice will work wonders.
• Training. There are more training options than every before available to golfers, and these each provide you with ways to improve all aspect of your game. You can choose from DVDs, books, courses, and even private lessons with a golf pro.
These excellent golf training swing tips will help you to improve all aspects of your game. When you use a combination of these tips listed above, you will find that your game improves tremendously is just a limited amount of time. Before you know it, you will be golfing at the same level as your buddies who have been golfing regularly for years!

Jason Haas is a writer and researcher on products for households such as golf training swing aids. Save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of this product and many others including discounts and best prices at Jason's blog:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Will The Absense Of Weight Work For You?

If you really think about it, we have seen some extraordinary advances in driver technology in the last couple of years. I'm not just talking about the transition from wood to metal, or even metal to carbon. But I'm talking about personal driver cutomization and the advancements of shaft integration and more.
Over the years we've seen a new leaf being turned over. Now people are paying close attention to how much a drivers weighs. They come lighter and are more comfortable to swing. That means you can swing them faster with less effort.
Now days there's many choices, the best way to find out whats best for you. Go to your local golf shop and try out a few different driver and putters to see whats comfortable for you. At golf shops you have the opportunity to get your golf swing evaluated and analyzed by a computer.
Then when it's time to purchasing your new drivers and putters you will know what's best for your swing. According to your swing speed you will find out what types of balls best accomadate your swing style. Then you'll be on your way to becoming a better golfer.
Yes the absense of weight and customization will drastically change your golf game for the better!